Core programs
Complementary programs
Classes in 10 years
Hours of instruction in 10 years
Art projects in 10 years
Our four core elements
Self Empowerment
Family Communication
Community Engagement
World Change
"I have to tell y’all about my great experience during the lockdown, meeting new people online. Artistic Dreams gave a chance to talk to foreign teenagers, and start new friendships. I also discovered a lot of things with different coaches, I expressed myself freely in art, technology… you may feel it a little bit strange in the beginning, but then you get used to it, you’ll like their program. You will enjoy it.

Wahiba O.C.
Casablanca, age 16, Morocco 2020
(Before Artistic Dreams), I had no interests, I just sat there in front of the TV every day, nothing interested me." (After Artistic Dreams), Everything changed! Suddenly I had art. I love art, it's my biggest interest. I do art here, I do art at equals money, equals community, equals me

Miguel Villines
Age 9, NYC
Saben por qué quiero a Artistic Dreams? ¡Porque es el mejor curso de verano! Lo mejor de todo es que Brad está de vuelta! Las clases de Brad, ahí comenzó mi lado artístico moderno. Deseo que pronto haya más Artistic Dreams. Y esto se lo recomiendo a mi amiga Samantha y a todos los niños que amen el arte o que quieran ser creativos

Nicolás L.T
age 10, Mexico City
What we do
We offer schools an exciting array of hands-on arts education focused on creating world citizens.
Class Offerings
Classes are offered during the school day and after school. We work mostly with public schools and some private schools in New York City, Mexico and other countries.
Private school classes offer us the opportunity to subsidize public schools in New York City and Mexico, especially those serving children at risk.
Who we serve
We focus on schools located in underserved areas.