Tribute to Maria Kelly

Fifth grade students at P.S. 161 (Margaret Douglas School) spent time mixing and experimenting with colors, sketching their own individual scenes of the neighborhood, learning about stencils and the magic of grid layouts, and painting a textured color background.

Maria´s garden Mural

Pedro Albizu Campos P.S. 161

Maria´s garden Mural
Maria Kelly_Mural_PS-161_1

Note on method and materials: The mural was conceived originally as a tribute wall for Maria; three panels of the brick wall of the courtyard were set aside to be worked on, each a square 5 feet by 5 feet. 

Maria Kelly_Mural_PS-161_2

In the first part of the planning, through school administrators and Jackie of Harlem Dowling, I asked students attending PS 161, as many as possible and especially those who had known Maria, to create their own images of remembrance on square pieces of paper, using pen, pencils, crayons, markers, or other media. 



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